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Sihir Jejaring Sosial dan Cinta Paling Berharga

Sihir Jejaring Sosial dan Cinta Paling Berharga. "Aku ingin bebas! Aku berharap untuk berbahagia! Aku ingin mengapresiasikan semua keindahan dunia................. "
(B. Traven: The life behind the legends)

Kamu punya akun FB , Twitter, Skype, Pin BB, YM, GTalk ?. Pertanyaan umum yang sering dilontarkan oleh seseorang ketika kenalan dengan orang lain di ruang publik, di tempat seminar, di sekolah, di kampus, di kantor, di mall, di kafe dan lain-lain. Ada kesan ingin memperdalam pertemanan di dunia yang lebih luas, dunia jejaring sosial, dunia tanpa pemerintah, tanpa hirarki yang ketat... realsinya cukup sederhana admin-user, root-user. Pengawasnya hanya server penyedia jejaring sosial :), ataupun admin tempat kamu mengakses internet (wifi/warnet), atau provider langganan Anda yang mengetahui aktifitas kamu di dunia virtual yang sering kita anggap "aman". dan tentunya pasti Tuhan yang maha kuasa yang tak pernah lalai memantau aktifitas kita.
Tahap selanjutnya setelah perkenalan tersebut, kita akan berinteraksi satu sama lain. Kemudaian membuat grup, weblog keroyokan berbasis kesamaan selera atau hobby. Kolektifitas berbasis etnis, ide, almamater, dan  sebagainya.  Dengan akun user dan join di suatu group (komunitas) seolah solidaritas mudah digapai. Misalnya, ketika user menshare rasa bahagia yang lain seolah iku bahagia, menshare 'kegalauan', 'kesedihan' yang lain juga seolah merasa sedih. Keakraban yang bersemai di jejaring sosial mempunyai ciri tersendiri. menyebar lebih cepat dan sedikit liar tak terkontrol. :). Bahkan dalam banyak kasus terjalin kisah asmara hingga ke pelaminan ...hmmmm asiek skali... Salah satu indikator keakraban atau ingin mengakrabkan diri adalah intensitas 'Like" "comment" di akun seseorang atau di group. Bahkan orang yang sangat tertutup di dunia nyata, bisa sangat "open" di jejaring sosial.

Tulisan sederhana ini tidak dalam rangka membahas manfaat jejaring sosial, hanya sekedar berbagi seputar ide solidaritas dan cinta yang mungkin sedikit berbeda dengan solidaritas di group jejaring sosial Anda. Sekaligus sebagai otokritik terhadap diri sendiri dan terhadap dunia yang sering kita lakoni hampir 24 jam "dunia virtual".

Solidaritas, atau saling menolong merupakan salah satu kunci meraih kebahagiaan. Hal ini merupakan hubungan individu dan sosial, sarana yang digunakan individu untuk dapat bekerja sama memenuhi kepentingan bersama dalam sebuah lingkungan yang mendukung dan memelihara baik kebebasan maupun kesetaraan. Saling menolong merupakan ciri-ciri dasar kehidupan manusia, sumber dari kekuatan dan kebahagian serta sebuah syarat yang fundamental bagi eksistensi manusia seutuhnya.

Erich Fromm, seorang psikolog dan ahli sosial humanis menunjukkan bahwa “keinginan manusia untuk berkumpul dengan yang lain berakar dalam kondisi khusus eksistensi yang mencirikan spesies manusia dan merupakan salah satu motifasi terkuat dari tingkah laku manusia.”

Perkumpulan atau persatuan atau group, seharusnya didasarkan pada kesetaraan dan individualitas untuk benar-benar memuaskan mereka yang bergabung di dalamnya—contoh, mereka harus diatur dalam sebuah cara yang tanpa aturan, sukarela, terdesentralisasi, dan non hierarkis. Kalau diperhatikan, kenapa orang lebih betah berlama-lama di depan layar monitor, ketawa sendiri :D, senyum-senyum sendiri, seolah-olah sedih,   'kodong', kasihan spontan diekspresikan. User yang awalnya hanya sekedar iseng main di suatu jejaring sosial, akhirnya menyatu dengan dunia barunya, dan ia pun mengekspresikan kebebasan dan kecintaan terhadap dirinya secara bebas. Potensi dan bakat terpendam berani di eksplore di dunia virtual. Pakaian yang dipakai, makanan hari ini, belanja hari ini hingga jalan dengan siapa hari ini :) di ekspose secara bebas. Bahkan saya pernah iseng memantau akun seorang teman, hampir 90% statusnya tentang 'kegalaunnya', tentang perasaannya, ada juga sepanjang hari pamer tentang konsumsinya, ada juga yang heboh dengan idolanya, dan masih banyak lagi. Sekalai lagi, awalnya mungkin iseng namun akhirnya menyatu dengan dunia tersebut, ia telah menjadi bagian dari diri kita. Dia telah menjadi perpanjangan tangan Anda dalam upaya merengkuh kebahagiaan. itulah sihir jejaring sosial.

Apa indikatornya, kalau Anda atau saya telah menyatu dengan akun jejaring sosial. Sederhana, kalau ada yang 'Like" "Comment" "Share" status/ postingan Anda, maka Anda merasakan 'bahagia' jika hal itu sesuatu yang baik dan kita merasa tertolong. Anda Merasa  'galau', 'sedih' jika ada komentar kurang menyenangkan, mengejek atau melecehkan Anda. Itulah cara sederhana bagaimana proses penyatuan diri Anda dengan jejaring sosial. Ini, tentu tidak berlaku untuk semua user, tetapi dominan dari user mengalami hal yang sama. Ada sebuah kecintaan mengekspresikan diri, itulah yang disediakan jajaring sosial, sebuah jejaring tanpa hirarki dan sukarela.

Mimpi saya adalah, bagaimana mentransformasikan kekuatan kolektif jejaring sosial menjadi kekuatan cinta yang lebih besar, yang bukan hanya sekedar ekpresi kecintaan diri yang egosentris, tetapi mampu menjadi kekuatan cinta eksistensial sejati. Cinta yang paling berharga, Seperti kutipan berikut ini.

“Cinta yang paling berharga, sejati dan murni dalam umat manusia adalah mencintai diri sendiri. Aku ingin bebas! Aku berharap untuk berbahagia! Aku ingin mengapresiasikan semua keindahan dunia. Namun kebebasanku hanya diperoleh ketika melihat orang lain disekelilingku bebas. Aku hanya dapat berbahagia ketika semua orang disekelilingku berbahagia. Aku hanya akan bersuka ria ketika semua orang yang aku lihat dan temui di dunia matanya penuh dengan kegembiraan. Dan aku hanya dapat makan kenyang dengan kebahagiaan sesungguhnya ketika aku tahu pasti bahwa orang lain juga makan dengan kenyang seperti halnya diriku. Dan karena alasan itulah, menjadi sesuatu yang menyenangkan diriku, hanya bagi diriku sendiri, ketika aku memberontak melawan setiap bahaya yang mengancam kebebasan dan kebahagiaanku....”
[Ret Marut (a.k.a. B. Traven), majalah The BrickBurner dikutip oleh Karl S. Guthke, B. Traven: The life behind the legends, hal 133-4].

Menurut hemat saya, kecintaan diri sendiri akan lebih indah jika ia berhasil menerobos batas diri sendiri, bahwa tidak ada 'yang lain', bahwa kamu, Anda adalah diri saya yang lain.
WAB. @alamyin, keep share and enjoy !
Semoga bermanfaat !



IDIOM UNTUK TES TOEFL [3]. Idiom atau  ungkapan adalah gabungan kata yang membentuk arti baru di mana arti tersebut tidak serta merta bisa dipahami hanya dengan memahami kata yang membentuknya. Postingan Idiom I 'Three in One" dan audionya dapat direview  "here" dan Pelajaran Idiom ke-2 "disini".

Penguasaan Idiom yang baik merupakan salah satu kunci yang menentukan dalam menyelesaikan soal tes toefl dengan baik. Dan satu-satunya cara untuk memahaminya, mengerti makna dari idiom itu sendiri. dan Pronunciationnya.Selamat belajar dan silahkan Download audionya.

1. to take part in: to be involved in, to participate in (also: to be in on)
o Martin was sick and could not take part in the meeting yesterday.
o I didn't want to be in on their argument, so I remained silent.
2. at all: to any degree (also: in the least)
o Larry isn't at all shy about expressing his opinions.
o When I asked Donna whether she was tired, she said, "Not in the least. I'm full of energy."
3. to look up: to locate information in a directory, dictionary, book, etc. (S)
o Ellen suggested that we look up Lee's telephone number in the directory.
o Students should try to understand the meaning of a new word from context before looking the word up in the dictionary.
4. to wait on: to serve in a store or restaurant
o A very pleasant young clerk waited on me in that shop.
o The restaurant waitress asked us, "Has anyone waited on you yet?
5. at least: a minimum of, no fewer (or less) than
o I spend at least two hours every night on my studies.
o Mike claims that he drinks at least a quart of water every day.
6. so far: until now, until the present time (also: up to now, as of yet)
This idiom is usually used with the present perfect tense.
o So far, this year has been excellent for business. I hope that the good luck continues.
o How many idioms have we studied in this book up to now?
o As of yet, we have not had an answer from him.
7. to take a walk, stroll, hike, etc.: to go for a walk, stroll (berjalan, jalan2), hike, etc.
A stroll involves slow, easy walking; a hike involves serious, strenuous walking.
o Last evening we took a walk around the park.
o It's a fine day. Would you like to take a stroll along Mason Boulevard?
o Let's take a hike up Cowles Mountain this afternoon.
8. to take a trip: to go on a journey, to travel
o I'm so busy at work that I have no time to take a trip.
o During the summer holidays, the Thompsons took a trip to Europe.
9. to try on: to wear clothes to check the style or fit before buying (S)
o He tried on several suits before he picked out a blue one.
o Why don't you try these shoes on next?
10. to think over: to consider carefully before deciding (S)
o I'd like to think over your offer first. Then can we talk it over tomorrow?
o You don't have to give me your decision now. Think it over for a while.
11. to take place: to occur, to happen according to plan
o The regular meetings of the committee take place in Constitution Hall.
o I thought that the celebration was taking place at John's house.
12. to put away: to remove from slight, to put in the proper place (S)
o Please put away your papers before you open the test booklet.
o John put the notepad away in his desk when he was finished with it.

1. to look out: to be careful or cautious (also: to watch out)
Both of these idioms can occur with the preposition for.
o "Look out!" Jeffrey cried as his friend almost stepped in a big hole in the ground.
o Look out for reckless drivers whenever you cross the street.
o Small children should always watch out for strangers offering candy.
2. to shake hands: to exchange greetings by clasping hands
o When people meet for the first time, they usually shake hands.
o The student warmly shook hands with his old professor.
3. to get back: to return (S)
o Mr. Harris got back from his business trip to Chicago this morning.
o Could you get the children back home by five o'clock?
4. to catch cold: to become sick with a cold of the nose for throat
o If you go out in this rain, you will surely catch cold.
o How did she ever catch cold in such warm weather?
5. to get over: to recover from an illness; to accept a loss or sorrow
o It took me over a month to get over my cold, but I'm finally well now.
o It seems that Mr. Mason will never get over the death of his wife.
6. to make up one's mind: to reach a decision, to decide finally
o Sally is considering several colleges to attend, but she hasn't made up her mind yet.
o When are you going to make up your mind about your vacation plans?
7. to change one's mind: to alter one's decision or opinion
o We have changed our minds and are going to Canada instead of California this summer.
o Matthew has changed his mind several times about buying a new cat.
8. for the time being: temporarily (also: for now)
o For the time being, Janet is working as a waitress, but she really hopes to become an actress soon.
o We're living in an apartment for now, but soon we'll be looking for a house to buy.
9. for good: permanently, forever
o Ruth has returned to Canada for good. She won't ever live in the United States again.
o Are you finished with school for good, or will you continue your studies some day?
10. to call off: to cancel (S)
o The referee called off the soccer game because of the darkness.
o The president called the meeting off because she had to leave town.
11. to put off: to postpone (S)
o Many student's put off doing their assignments until the last minute.
o Let's put the party off until next weekend, okay?
12. in a hurry: hurried, rushed (also: in a rush)
o Alex seems in a hurry; he must be late for his train again.
o She's always in a rush in the morning to get the kids to school.

1. under the weather: not feeling well, sick
o John stayed home from work because he was feeling under the weather.
o When you cat cold, you feel under the weather.
2. to hang up: to place clothes on a hook or hanger (S); to replace the receiver on the phone at the end of a conversation (S)
o Would you like me to hang up your coat for you in the closet?
o The operator told me to hang the phone up and call the number again.
3. to count on: to trust someone in time of need (also: to depend on)
o I can count on my parents to help me in an emergency.
o Don't depend on Frank to lend you any money; he doesn't have any.
4. to make friends: to become friendly with others
o Patricia is a shy girl and doesn't make friends easily.
o During the cruise Ronald made friends with almost everyone on the ship.
5. out of order: not in working condition
o The elevator was out or order, so we had to walk to the tenth floor of the building.
o We couldn't use the soft drink machine because it was out of order.
6. to get to: to be able to do something special; to arrive at a place, such as home, work, etc. for the second definition, do not use the preposition to with the words home or there.
o The children got to stay up late and watch a good movie for the family.
o I missed the bus and couldn't get to the office until ten o'clock.
o When are you planning to get home tonight?
7. few and far between: not frequent, unusual, rare
o The times that our children get to stay up late are few and far between.
o Airplane travel is very safe because accidents are few and far between.
8. to look over: to examine, to inspect closely (also: to go over, to read over, to check over) (S)
Go over is different from the other forms because it is not separable.
o I want to look my homework over again before I give it to the teacher.
o The politician went over his speech before the important presentation.
o You should never sign any legal paper without checking it over first.
9. to have (time) off: to have free time, not to have to work (also: to take time off (S))
The related form (S) to take time off is used when someone makes a decision
to have free time, sometimes when others might not agree with the decision.
o Every morning the company workers have time off for a coffee break.
o Several workers took the afternoon off to go to a baseball game.
10. to go on: to happen; to resume, to continue (also: to keep on)
o Many people gathered near the accident to see what was going on.
o I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please go on.
o The speaker kept on talking even though most of the audience had left.
11. to put out: extinguish, to cause to stop functioning (S)
To put out has the same meaning as to turn off (Lesson 1) for a light fixture.
o No smoking is allowed in here. Please put out your cigarette.
o The fire fighters worked hard to put the brush fire out.
o Please put out the light before you leave. Okay, I'll put it out.
12. all of a sudden: suddenly, without warning (also: all at once)
o All of a sudden Ed appeared at the door. We weren't expecting him to drop by.
o All at once Millie got up and left the house without any explanation.

Download audio Lesson 4 "click here"



KFC must pay $8.3m to poisoned girl in Australia
AWAS BAKTERI PERUSAK OTAK DALAM SAJIAN KFC. Headline BBC NEws, 27 April 2012 Last updated at 09:09

Fast-food giant KFC has been ordered to pay $8.3m (£5.1m) to the family of an Australian girl left severely brain damaged after being poisoned by a chicken meal.
Monika Samaan fell ill with salmonella poisoning after eating a "Twister" wrap at a KFC restaurant near Sydney in 2005. The poisoning left her wheelchair-bound and unable to speak.

Pengadilan di Australia memutuskan Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) harus membayar A$8,3 juta atau sekitar Rp79,8 miliar atas kerusakan otak seorang gadis setelah memakan penganan dari restoran cepat saji tersebut.

Diberitakan BBC, keputusan ini dijatuhkan di pengadilan Sydney pada Jumat, 27 April 2012. Pengadilan memutuskan bahwa KFC telah bersalah karena memberikan makanan yang mengandung bakteri salmonella, yang membuat Monika Samaan menderita cacat otak. Gadis berusia 14 tahun tersebut kini tidak bisa berjalan tanpa bantuan kursi roda. Menurut laporan pengadilan, Monika dan keluarganya jatuh sakit setelah memakan menu "Twister" milik KFC pada 2005 silam.

Gadis kecil itu mengalami muntah-muntah dan diare. Ketika seluruh keluarganya pulih, Monika mengalami koma selama enam bulan. "Monika sekarang adalah gadis besar dan semakin sulit untuk mengangkatnya dan menjaganya. Kompensasi yang akan diberikan sudah lebih dari cukup. Tapi sampai saat ini, kami belum mendapatkan apapun dari KFC," kata pengacara Monika, George Vlahakis. Bantahan KFC Pihak KFC membantah produknya mengandung bakteri berbahaya. Perusahaan raksasa restoran cepat saji ini juga menolak membayar kompensasi dan mengajukan banding. "Kami turut sedih tentang apa yang menimpa Monika dan keluarganya. Tapi, kami juga bertugas untuk mempertahankan reputasi KFC sebagai penyedia makanan yang aman dan berkualitas tinggi," kata manajer KFC.

Bukan kali pertama makanan cepat saji ini mencelakai konsumennya, potensi obesitas, bahaya laten MSG dalam makanan cepat saji, seperti KFC.
Mungkin para pemirsa bisa menyimak salah satu inspirasi cara hidup sehat "ala Vegan". :)

Sumber Inspirasi:
Imajinasi Alamyin
Gambar :,kfc-492066277401ae05360f62d06838b1f2_m.jpg