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Listen, free economic make better


Foreign aid and Trojan Horse

According to Sritua Arief, economic expert Gajah Mada University said, debt effects lost of economic independent our country. We can see, Indonesia pressed for economic Reform, structural adjusment program based on capitalism-neoliberalsm that is;

Govt intervention in market shTalking about “Economic Aid”, specially foreign aid. Director of Foreign Aid USA, Fohler Hamilton said, “every dollar gave to other must to pproduce something for interest USA”. This statement gave us 2 lessons. First, foreign aid is never free form goal. Second, Foreign aid is like a Trojan horse in greece story. No exception, aid from usa, australia, japan and other, all of the aim had hidden motive.

Implementation of political foreign USA by USAID, AusAID from Australia, JICA from Japan etc. Every foreign aid had mou. With Mou, they making networking, got some data about our country and making networking. Startegy networking had used by US govt. It called “big stick strategy”, “Dollar Diplomacy” and “Flexible Diplomacy”. So, “There is no such thing as a free lunch” to be true in this cases.
But, how we developed our country. If we have no fund.We have no much money to paid salary our employers. How to solve poverty problem in this country ?. Govt have no alternative choice, must to invited investor and increased deb from other country. Exactly, foreign aid passed by International World Fund. International Mother Fucker (IMF)...

I think we have options or other alternative, before our govt make decision using foreign aid or not, it is defend on readiness our country. But, we have to carefully using this way, because, foreign aid is like a Trojan horse. Some expert had given warning to government about “Danger of Debt”. Indeed, Soekarna have catcword “GO TO HELL WITH YOUR AID”.Could be eliminated.

1. Privatization public sphere
2. Liberalization of all economic activity and reduced subcidies.
3. Expand and accelerated foreign capital to Indonesia.

And now,we can see, so many economis institution, BUMN has privatized.
In social analysis, we knew that 3 element in our country that is, PEOPLE, GOVT, FUNDER (Foreigner/investor).
See picture 1

Reality had shown to us, that if govt pro investor or foreign then govt will betray society. Our Government is like a “sweet boy” in front of Foreign investor. So, different with Mahatir Muhammad has encouraged against IMF policy.

So, Foreign aid never succeded like in china and India.
As we knew, china has a best growth economic in the world. We can learn from them, how to build country with sovereign. China have two grand design to build country, that is economic strategy “FDI Foreign D Investor”, required local investror must manage capital. Second strategy, reducing corruption in Government institution and political party. Awhile India Goverment began to build their country with reducing corruption and support local investor.
So, we can build our country with sovereign and without betrayed our people, and stay smart to meet Trojan horse.

final test presentation @ Global-E course, pare June 2010. By zukozen.
note: Beberapa saran mr.Toto, Performance Ok, konten materi sudah ok, pronunciation mesti ditingkatkan, dan perlu mengurangi kata2 “fu*k” dalam presentasi misalnya IMF (International Mother Fucker), Go to Hell. 1 point lagi dapat excellence.



Long time ago when US attack Japan, exactly Hirosima and Nagasaki, we think that nuclear is similar holocaust, slavery and war. But, that is not always true. Nuclear useful for developing our country. I realized, when I had read article, journal and research about nuclear energy. my view has changed.

Patrick Mocere (Founder of Greenpace) said, nuclear energy in only power source that does emit green houses gasses. Which can effectively replace fosil fuels to meet growing energy demand. Let us see more, the largest transmitter green houses gasses in the world is coal. Generate electricity by coal is cheap, but effect burning coal to the world generated approximately 9 billion ton Co2 / year. The other hand, coal burning power plant that causes acid rain, smog , respiratory disease, mercury contamination and the main contribution in the world green houses gasses .

How about the other renewable energy that is wind energy, solar energy and biomass energy. Jesse Ausebel at Rockfeller University, New York said that renewable energy is more destructive our environment than nuclear energy. Renewable does not meant GREEN, he said. He proved his statement in journal, the greater the electricity power generated, need so more land. Example At Canada needed area of 900.000 square km. With 680.000 billion liters water and then saved it in to 60 high dam.

Biomass energy is also very inefficient, to produced energy electricity which similar if used nuclear energy, Biomass energy needed area of 2500 squere kilometre. However wind energy needed smaller area than biomass, but it needed area approximately 770 square kilometre to produced energy equivalent of nuclear energy power with capacity of 1000 megawatt electric (Mwe). Jesse explained that 100 square metre windy area, such as apartement in manhattan, it just enough to met growing a half lamp but not enough to turn on computer, washing machine and TV.
As we knew, we read in media that today USA has there are 103 reactor nuclear which provide 20% electricity needed, approximately 80% local people agreed if government built reactor nuclear near from their home. Approximately 10 km from housing.

But, why USA and alliance banned Iran to built nuclear reactor for humanity ?. I thank that is not fair. They fear, Iran will build nuclear for war. It is meant threat for them. To describe this problem, let us saw, that in Africa sword used to kill million human. More than the victim who died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was combined. But nobody harm, nobody prihibits using of sword, because it useful for developing country and absolutely for survive.

Smog; kabut asap | Coal ; batu bara | acid rain; hujan asam |Emit ; memancarkan
green houses gasses; efek rumah kaca |to meet growing ; memenuhi

NUCLEAR ENERGY FOR HUMANITY, Presented by zukozen @ Global-E course, pare Kediri 23th june 2010.


Unforgetable moments, Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri.

Musim libur hampir tiba, dan sepertinya Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri Jawa Timur akan ramai di kunjungi para pendatang dari seantero Indonesia. Mereka berasal dari kota-kota besar hingga dari desa, dari berbagai etnis, profesi, jenjang pendidikan hingga tingkat pendapatan yang beragam. Ada yang datang mengisi waktu liburan sambil belajar bahasa inggris, adapula yang datang dengan tujuan untuk belajar bahasa hingga mahir, bahkan ada yang berniat tinggal di desa itu. J
Beberapa bulan yang lalu, zuko berkesempatan menginjakkan kaki di desa tersebut, targetnya mahir speaking dan bisa menaklukkan tes Toefl. Pundi-pundi tabungan siap dirogoh untuk perjalanan, biaya hidup dan biaya kursus selama di pare.

Perjalanan dimulai dari Bogor (Bontonompo Gowa Raya) ke bandara S. Hasanuddin ditemani kemenakan dan si Juve-blue. Sekitar jam 9.15 wita berangkat dengan “baling2 besi :D” Lion Air, beruntung hari itu dapat tiket murah Makassar- Surabaya dengan kisaran 350ribuan. Satu jam kemudian mendarat di bandara Juanda untuk pertama kalinya, hehe.. Sembari istirahat sejenak di terminal dan menghubungi kawan2 di ASSET (…) untuk menanyakan rute selanjutnya. Nah, dari bandara Juanda melanjutkan perjalanan ke Terminal Bungorasi dengan jasa travel. Oia, perjalanan ke Bungorasi bisa juga dengan bus, kisaran biaya transport baik dengan jasa travel/ bos sekitar 25-50 ribuan. Nah kurang dari satu jam akhirnya tiba di terminal bungorasi. Dari terminal inilah zuko melanjutkan perjalanan ke kampoeng pare dengan bus. Perjalanan cukup jauh, kira-kira 3 jam lebih dengan ongkos 30 ribu.

Dan akhirnya tiba di Pare, tanpa basa-basi Mas abang Becak mengantar ke secretariat ASSET, mabes anak-anak Sulawesi dan dijemput sama mr. Marmut sang presiden Asset, orang Sulawesi pertama yang saya temui di sana, thanks mr. marmut. Lega rasanya, seolah dikampung sendiri, ketemu dengan teman2 dari Sulawesi, ada Ichal (UH), Zul, mr. big Bombom J, Adhul (unm), Siraj, Afif, mr. bean, Darwis dan semua keluarga besar ASSET, khususnya yang bermukim di Mabes ASSET dan sekitarnya. Kalian adalah guru pertama saya. (Worship) (worship). Malam pertama nginap di Mabes ASSET, suasana asik, bina suasana para New-comer dengan warga Asset. ya.. biasalah tradisi asset, …. Jangan lupa “treat”. Dan sejak malam itu bisa akrab dengan beberapa warga, apalagi minggu depan “treat” new-comer main futsal. Mmmm dari sinilah, saya mulai kerasan di pare.
Esok hari, hunting brosur lembaga kursus plus informasi dari senior2 di ASSET akhirnya pilihanku jatuh pada beberapa lembaga kursus yang berkualitas dengan spesialisasinya masing-masing. Pilihan pertama Global-E ; mmm, ini tempat yang sangat pas untuk para pelajar yang mau mengasah kemampuan speakingnya, kedua, SMART ILC ; kalo yang ini, aseli pakarnya dibidang Grammar2an, eits.. walau tempatnya sangat sederhana, dan tradisinya yang unik (seperti tradisi traktiran dan makan bareng ala jamaah tablig), tapi kualitas pengajar dan alumninya tidak diragukan lagi, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan Grammar. Diposisi ketiga ACCESS, kalau yang ini lebih orientasi pada Academic, mmm disini ada Mr. Edhy salah satu punggawa ACCESS asal Makassar. Terakhir, saya memilih Excellence, lembaga kursus baru, lagi promo, dan akan menjadi besar jika tradisinya yang pro pendidikan murah tetap dijunjung.

Selain hal-hal indah, suasana menyenangkan selama belajar yang sangat berbeda dengan metode dan gaya belajar di sekolah. Hal yang indah2 juga terjadi di camp. Indah karena harus bangun subuh. Sholat subuh- program camp (game/debate) hingga pagi. Pagi ikuti program kursusan. Oia, pendaftaran kursusan 2 kali sebulan yaitu setiap 20 dan 25 setiap bulannya. Keindahan yang lain, karena bisa bergaul dan sharing cerita dengan teman-teman dari daerah lain.
Selama tiga hari di ASSET hingga sehari menjelang kursus di mulai masuk camp baru “Struggle camp”, tempatnya strategis, ditambah lagi dapat sinya Wifi dari tetangga (maksudnya; Lembaga kursus yang suasananya seperti kampus, Mahesa namanya). Nah disinilah ketemu teman sekamar Zae (unpad), mr. Hadi (Kaltim), andy (Ugm) dan beberapa bonek, salam Struggle.

Secara umum, selain biaya hidup, biaya kursus yang relative murah kisaran 75-150 / 2 minggu atau bulanan. Bagi saya, yang sangat menarik adalah suasana belajarnya. Enjoy, dan Gokil khususnya di SMART, saat belajar, siswa bisa makan, minum, merokok asal tidak mengganggu peserta yang lain, dan membersihkan sampahnya sendiri, dengan satu syarat, siswa harus bisa menjawab soal ketika ditanya oleh tutor. Lain lagi di Global-E, disana ada mr. Toto (Director) yang sangat cerdas dalam mengelola suasana belajar dan pilihan-pilihan topik diskusi yang hangat, up to date dan kadang kontroversial. Misalnya tema-tema politik, pendidikan, ekonomi, hobby, hingga nuklir, pokoe seru. Yang mau mengasah kemampuan speaking dan debat plus meningkatkan wawasan disinilah tempatnya. Bravo Global-E. dan masih banyak lagi momen-momen indah di pare. Paling asik kalo hari sabtu-minggu, ikut acara ASSET, naik sepeda bareng ke tempat-tempat keramat.. upss salah. Tempat2 bersejarah.

Semoga, suatu saat nanti, masih diberi kesempatan OlehNYA untuk bisa berjibaku lagi dengan suasana di desa tulongRejo dan sekitarnya. Long life Indonesai, long life pare, long life “pendidikan murah berkualitas”.