

CERTAIN KATA KERJA TRANSITIF, Salah satu hal yang kadang membingungkan dalam Tes Toefl adalah adanya certain atau kata-kata tertentu yang mempunyai pola tertentu. Hal yang sama juga dialami oleh peserta kelas TOEFL di Smart English Meeting. 

Oleh karena itu, beberapa certain diposting di site ini, mudah-mudahan dapat memudahkan kita semua dalam upaya meningkatkan skor Toefl.
Certain To Infinitives (1) Kata kerja transitif yang objeknya berupa To Infinitive.

Afford : I can’t afford to buy it. (mampu)
Agree : They agree to help us. (menyetujui)
Appear : She appears to be tired. (kelihatannya)
Arrange : I’ll arrange to meet you at airport. (mengatur)
Ask : He asked to come with us. (meminta)
Beg : He begged to go with you. (ingin)
Care : I don’t care to see that show. (mau/suka)
Claim : She claims to know a famous movie star. (mengaku)
Consent : She finally consented to marry him. (menyutujui)
Decide : I have decided to leave it on Monday. (memutuskan)
Demand: I demand to know who is responsible. (meminta)
Deserve: She deserves to win the prize. (berhak/pantas)
Expect: I expect to enter graduate school in the fall. (mengharapkan)
Fail : She failed to return the book to the library on time. (lalai)
Forget: I forgot to mail the letter. (lupa)
Hesitate: Don’t hesitate to ask for my help. (ragu)
Hope : Jack hopes to arrive next week. (mengharapkan)
Learn: He learned to play the piano. (belajar)
Manage: She managed to finish her work early. (berusaha keras)
Mean : I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. (bermaksud)
Need : I need to have your opinion. (membutuhkan)
Offer: They offered to help us. (manawarkan)
Plan : I am planning to have a party. (merencanakan)
Prepare : We prepared to welcome them. (mempersiapkan)
Pretend: He pretends not to understand. (berpura-pura)
Promise: I promised not to be late. (berjanji)
Refuse: I refuse to believe his history. (menolak)
Regret: I regret to tell you that you are failed. (menyesal)
Remember : I remembered to lock the door. (ingat)
Seem : That cat seems to be friendly. (nampak)
Struggle: I struggled to stay awake. (berusaha)
Swear: She swore to tell the truth. (bersumpah)
Threaten: She threatened to tell my parents. (mengancam)
Volunteer: He volunteered to help us. (suka rela)
Wait : I will wait to hear from you. (menuggu)
Want : I want to tell you something. (ingin)
Wish : She wishes to come with us. (berharap)

Certain To Infinitives (2) Kata kerja komplek transitif yang pelengkap objeknya (complement of object) berupa To Infinitive.

Advise : She advised me to wait until tomorrow. (menasehati)
Allow: She allowed me to use her car. (mengizinkan)
Ask : I asked John to help us. (meminta)
Assist : Assist young people to make their way in the world. (membantu)
Beg: They begged us to come. (menginginkan)
Cause: Her laziness caused her to fail. (menyebabkan)
Challenge: She challenged me to race her to the corner. (manantang)
Convince: I couldn’t convince him to accept our help. (meyakinkan)
Dare : He dared me to do better than he had done. (menentang)
Encourage: He encouraged me to try again. (menganjurkan)
Expect: I expect you to be on time. (mengharap)
Forbid: I forbid you to tell him. (melarang)
Force: They forced him to tell the truth. (memaksa)
Get :He got her sister to help him with his homework. (menyuruh)
Help :Will you help me to carry this box upstairs? (membantu)
Hire: She hired a boy to mow the law. (mengupahi/menyewa)
Instruct : He instructed them to be careful. (memerintahkan)
Invite : Harry invited the Johnson to come to his party. (mengundang)
Need : We needed Chris to help us figure out the solution. (butuh)
Order : The judge ordered me to pay a fine. (menyuruh)
Permit : He permitted the children to stay up late. (mengizinkan)
Persuade : I persuaded him to come for a visit. (membujuk)
Remind : She reminded me to lock the door. (mengingatkan)
Request : His friend requested him to sing a song. (meminta)
Require : Our teacher requires us to be on time. (mewajibkan)
Teach : My brother taught me to swim. (mengajari)
Tell : The doctor told me to take these pills. (menyuruh)
Warn : I warned you not to drive too fast. (memperingatkan)

General Certain Verb Transitif yang diikuti oleh to Infinitif.