Read, Write, and Do Something

No Teaching without learning

Menulislah agar abadi


Listen, free economic make better



ESSENTIAL IDIOM FOR TOEFL [9]. Idiom atau ungkapan adalah gabungan kata yang membentuk arti baru yang artinya tidak mudah dipahami hanya dengan memahami kata yang membentuknya. Postingan Idiom I 'Three in One" dan audionya dapat direview "here" dan Pelajaran Idiom ke-2 "here". Idiom ke-3 dapat disimak "here". Idiom sesi ke-4 dapat direview "here' . Postingan Essential IDIOM ke-5, Idiom ke-6 . Idiom ke-7. Berikut adalah Essential Idiom ke-8,
Lesson 20

1. to hold still: not to move (S)
o Please hold still while I adjust your tie.
o If you don't hold that camera still, you'll get a blurred picture.
2. to know by sight: to recognize (S)
This idiom is used when the person has been seen previously but is not known personally. The person must be used to separate the idiom.
o I have never met our new neighbors; I simply know them by sight.
o The woman said that she would know the thief by sight if she ever saw him again.
3. to be the matter: to be unsatisfactory, to be improper, to be wrong
In a question, this idiom is used with what or something. In an answer, something or nothing is usually used.
o A: What is the matter, Betty? You look very upset.
o B: Yes, something is the matter. I've lost my purse!
o A: Is something the matter, Charles? You don't look well.
o B: No, nothing is the matter. I'm just a little under the weather.
4. to bring up: to rear, to raise from childhood (S); to mention, to raise an issue,
to introduce a topic (S)
o Parents should bring up their children to be responsible members of society.
o Sarah wanted to bring the scheduling problem up at the club meeting, but finally she decided against doing so.
o One of the students brought up an interesting point related to the subject in our textbook.
5. to get lost: to become lost; to go away in order not to bother
The second definition provides a very informal, even rude, meaning that should be used only with close friends. It is sometimes used in a joking manner.
o While driving in Boston, we got lost and drove many miles in the wrong direction.
o Todd kept bothering me while I was studying, so I told him to get lost.
o Lisa joked that she wanted her sister to get lost forever.
6. to hold up: to delay, to make late (S); to remain high in quality
o A big accident held up traffic on the highway for several hours.
o Deidre is amazed at how well her car has held up over the years.
7. to run away: to leave without permission; to escape
o The young couple ran away and got married because their parents wouldn't permit it.
o That cat is just like a criminal --- it runs away from anyone who tries to come near!
8. to rule out: to refuse to consider, to prohibit (S)
o Heather ruled out applying to college in Texas because she would rather go to school in Canada.
o I'd like to watch a good movie on TV tonight, but a ton of homework rules that out.
9. by far: by a great margin, clearly
o Jacquie is by far the most intelligent student in our class.
o This is by far the hottest, most humid summer we've had in years.
10. to see off: to say good-bye upon departure by train, airplane, bus, etc. (also: to send off) (S)
A noun or pronoun must divide the idiom.
o We are going to the airport to see Peter off on his trip to Europe.
o When I left for Cincinnati on a business trip, no one came to the train station to send me off.
11. to see out: to accompany a person out of a house, building, etc. (S)
A noun or pronoun must again divide the idiom.
o The Johnsons were certain to see their guests out as each one left the party.
o Would you please see me out to the car? It's very dark outside.]
12. no wonder: it's no surprise that, not surprisingly
This idiom derives form reducing it is no wonder that...
o No wonder the portable heater doesn't work. It's not plugged into the electrical outlet!
o Jack has been out of town for several weeks. No wonder we haven't seen him recently.

1. to go up: to increase (also: to drive up); to be constructed, to be erected
The second definition is the same as the one for to put up in Lesson 19, except
that go up is not used with a noun object.
o Economists are predicting that consumer prices are going up. Inflation always has a tendency to drive up the cost of products.
o A new office is going up in the downtown area. A major construction company is putting it up.
2. to go up to: to approach (also: to come up to, to walk up to, to run up to, to drive up to, etc.)
The related forms have the same meaning, but the type of movement is different.
o After the lecture, several people in the audience went up to the speaker to congratulate her.
o The little girl came up to me and shook my hand as if she had known me for years.
o Bill's friend didn't want to admit that they had gotten lost, but finally he agreed to drive up to a gas station and inquire about the correct route.
3. to hand in: to submit or deliver something that is due (S)
o Every student has to hand in an original composition each week of the semester.
o All the salepeople hand their weekly reports in on Friday.
4. in case: in order to be prepared if
When the idiom occurs at the end of the sentence (the second example), then the meaning is in order to be prepared if something happens. The "something" might be an accident, a delay, etc.
o You'd better close the windows in case it rains.
o We should be sure to leave for the airport early, just in case.
o Cynthia, take one of your books in case you have some time to read on our trip.
5. to take apart: to disassemble, to separate the parts of something (S)
A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom.
o It is much easier to take a watch apart than it is to assemble it.
o The engine had a serious problem, so the mechanic had to take it apart
completely in order to fix it.
6. to put together: to assemble (S)
A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom. The preposition back is used
when something has been disassembled and then is being reassembled, as in
the second example.
o Todd followed the directions on the box but he couldn't manage to put the bicycle together properly.
o After the teenager took the broken video game apart and fixed it, he was unable to put it back together again.
7. to be better off: to be in a more favorable condition or situation
The opposite of this idiom is to be worse off.
o Jim would be better off staying at home because of his cold.
o You'd be much better off working in an office than in a factory.
o The economies of some nations are worse off than they were several
decades ago.
8. to be well-off: to have enough money to enjoy a comfortable life, to be rich (also: to be well-to-do)
o They live in the best section of town in a large home; they are very well- off.
o By the time I reach the age of fifty-five, I hope to be well-to-do and to travel frequently.
9. to take by surprise: to surprise, to amaze, to astonish (S)
A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom.
o The offer of a high-paying position with another company took me by surprise.
o The president's announcement that the university was in financial trouble didn't take anyone by surprise.
10. to keep in touch with: to maintain contact with (also: to stay in touch with)
This idiom should be compared with to get in touch with in Lesson 9.
o You can telephone me every few days, and in that way we can keep in touch with each other.
o He promised to stay in touch with us while he was abroad. However, we were very disappointed that he never did get in touch with us.
11. to name after: to give the same name as another (S)
o Helen's parents named Helen after her grandmother.
o My grandson is named after Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States.
12. to hold on: to grasp tightly or firmly; to wait, to be patient
The second definition is often used when someone is talking on the telephone.
o The little girl held on to her mother's hand and refused to let go as they walked through the large crowd of people.
o (on the telephone) Could you please hold on a moment while I get a pencil and paper?
o Come on, Mike, hold on. I can't get ready so quickly.


7 Mitos Penghambat Kemandirian

(Pikiran yang Tidak Melekat)
oleh Dr.Ir. Dimitri Mahayana, M.Sc.

7 Mitos Penghambat Kemandirian. Entah angin apa yang mengantar saya pada Folder koleksi Artikel, dan menemukan tulisan yang menurut saya inspirasi untuk membangun kemandirian personal maupun bangsa. Tulisan sederhana yang senantiasa menyemangati gerak keseharian kita, khususnya bagi pebisnis, akademisi, intelektual, "politisi", petualang dan siapapun yang ingin belajar dan berpikiran maju. Judul postingan, adalah murni subjektifitas saya (alamyin) tidak ada maksud selain berbagi inspirasi. Selamat membaca.

Judul asli tulisan ini adalah TORAWARENAI SUNAONA KOKORO (Pikiran yang Tidak Melekat) ditulis oleh Dr.Ir. Dimitri Mahayana, M.Sc.

Konosuke Matsushita, pendiri korporasi raksasa Jepang Matshushita, mempunyai satu prinsip filosofis manajemen yang amat terkenal; "Torowarenai sunaona kokoro, (pikiran [hati] yang tidak melekat)". Matsushita yakin seorang pemimpin harus benar-benar memiliki kebeningan hati, kecerahan pikiran, dan ke-tidakmelekat-an pikiran dan hati agar dapat menghasilkan keputusan-keputusan yang tepat.

Kemelekatan IBM dengan industri komputer mainframe-nya, misalnya, telah membuat para pimpinannya membatasi penjualan PC (Personal Computer) - yang dikhawatirkan akan merusak pasar komputer mainframe- sehingga akhirnya IBM tidak bisa leading dalam industri PC di dunia, padahal ia termasuk yang paling awal menguasai teknologi PC. Dan apa yang terjadi? PC ternyata menjadi satu dengan kehidupan masyarakat global. IBM telah menyia-nyiakan pasar masa depan hanya karena kemelekatannya dengan masa lalunya. Berpikir tentang krisis moneter akhir-akhir ini ala Matsushita, kita mesti meninggalkan ke-melekat-an pikiran dan persepsi bangsa atas beberapa aspek berikut.

Pertama, kemelekatan atas bayangan-bayangan "sukses" pembangunan nasional di masa sebelum krisis.

Analisis-analisis para pakar ekonomi dari Bank Dunia, IMF, telah lama meninabobokkan Indonesia dan negara-negara berkembang lainnya dengan angka-angka yang fantastis. Mereka mensugesti Indonesia dengan "kenyataan" bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional 7 hingga 8% setahun dengan laju inflasi kurang dari dua digit. Bangsa Indonesia dan negara-negara sedang berkembang lain mesti melepaskan diri dari khayalan-khayalan "sukses" semacam ini, dan segera menyadari kondisi objektif yang benar-benar riil. Dengan kesadaran ini, kejernihan melakukan langkah yang tepat dalam menanggulangi krisis dapat diperoleh.

Kedua, kemelekatan pada nowism (kekinian) dan menyibukkan diri dengan melihat kurs dolar maupun jumlah orang yang di-PHK tiap hari dan merenungkannya, kemudian menenggelamkan diri dengan berbagai isu-isu dan rumor-rumor yang tidak jelas arah dan sumbernya.

Akan sangat banyak energi yang terbuang sia-sia jika bangsa ini terjebak pada pola over-analysis dan over-observation sehingga malah tidak segera mengambil tindakan apa pun. Apakah dengan nilai dolar setiap hari berubah, seorang bussinesmen mesti mengubah bisnisnya setiap hari? Atau apakah semua orang mesti terjun beramai-ramai bermain valas, sehingga bangsa akan memakan dolar sebagai ganti beras? Apakah dengan menangisi orang-orang yang di-PHK semuanya akan beres?

Ketiga, kemelekatan pada ketergesaan dalam menghadapi krisis.
Tendensi tensi emosional masyarakat yang meningkat menimbulkan pola pikir, perubahan yang cepat, kalau bisa sekejap. Eksplosi emosional seperti ini tidak logis dan tidak realistis. Tidak mungkin kita bisa mengubah krisis ini dalam waktu sebulan, dua bulan atau bahkan setahun. Berbagai kambing hitam yang telah ditudingkan sebagai "faktor" krisis ini merupakan indikasi ketergesaan emosional masyarakat ini. Bila diformulasikan logika ketergesaan emosional masyarakat ini mungkin dapat diurutkan sebagai berikut: "Mengapa terjadi krisis? Siapa penyebabnya? Ganyang penyebabnya; beres masalahnya." Logika seperti ini tidak keliru, dan secara otomatis pasti ada dalam masyarakat, hanya tidak secara otomatis memecahkan permasalahan.

Keempat, kemelekatan atas predikat-predikat tertentu yang dinisbatkan orang kepada bangsa. Indonesia "terbelakang". Indonesia "tidak maju". Indonesia "tidak demokratis". Indonesia "tidak menguasai teknologi". Indonesia "kolusi dan korupsi".

Kemelekatan pada ide bahwa bangsa ini terbelakang dan tidak maju menimbulkan kebergantungan permanen pada bangsa yang "telah maju". Padahal jika para insinyur Indonesia di bawah pimpinan Menristek Prof. Dr. Ing. B.J.Habibie telah berhasil membuat pesawat N-250, teknologi apa yang tidak bisa dikembangkan bangsa ini? Mobil nasional dengan 80% komponen dalam negeri ? Sepeda motor nasional dengan lebih dari 80% komponen dalam negeri? Berbagai teknologi digital, mulai dari industri rumah alarm dan peralatan elektronik hingga software dan konsultasi system engineering ? Tentunya semuanya bisa, bila pikiran bangsa kita tidak melekat pada ide-ide negatif tersebut. Amerika dan kekuatan-kekuatan raksasa di dunia telah terbukti menunggangi kuda sembrani "globalisasi", dan menebarkan jaring laba-laba perangkapnya pada seluruh bangsa di dunia. Perangkapnya adalah kemelekatan pada ide bahwa semua yang berbau Amerika dan kekuatan-kekuatan raksasa tersebut "maju, modern, demokratis, sahih, valid, trendy", dan lain-lain. Film? Hollywood. Komik? Disney atau Dragon Ball. Musik? Michael Jackson atau Phill Collins. Komputer? IBM. Makan? KFC atau McDonald atau Wendy's atau Pizza Hut. Busana? Giani Versace. Motor? Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki. Mobil? BMW, Mercedez, Mitubishi, Toyota, Honda. Minuman? Coca-Cola. Idola? Bill Gates ataupun Leonardo Di Caprio. Buku favorit? Toffler dan Drucker. Sentral telepon? Siemens. Instrumentasi elektronik? Schlumberger. Mesin-mesin berat? Mitsubishi. Software? Microsoft. Komputer IBM. Buah-buaha? Anggur atau apel Jepang. Otomatis bangsa-bangsa yang terperangkapp merasa dirinya "terbelakang", "tradisional", "otoriter", "kurang benar", "tidak valid", dan "tertinggal". Yah, adalah satu ironi bahwa penghasilan sebuah perusahaan burger terkenal di Amerika lebih besar dari RAPBN Indonesia. Demikianlah satu realitas dari apa yang diyakini (jangan baca diimani" secara membuta oleh orang banyak sebagai "globalisasi" yang akan membawa berkah fan kesejahteraan global. Ternyata telah menyebarkan jaring laba-laba ide-ide yang menjajah, yang telah sekian lama meninabobokan bangsa dengan lagu "kemajuan adalah GNP dan GNP Anda naik berkat "globalisasi"? dan menghancurkan pikiran kreatif bangsa. Dan itu semua benar-benar telah melekat erat dalam pikiran dan kehidupan bangsa.

Kelima, kemelekatan pada keengganan untuk berubah, padahal semua kondisi dengan terang mengatakan kita harus berubah, atau mati.

Orang selalu mengatakan, jika kita hendak berubah nanti kondisinya lebih buruk. Logika seperti ini seperti mengatakan "jangan naik kendaraan bermotor apapun, dan berjalan kakilahm agar tidak tertabrak". Pikiran ini jelas-jelas salah. Karena orang selayaknya selalu mengatakan jika kondisi ini tidak benar, maka kita harus berbuat yang lebih benar. Dan tentu kita yakin akan suatu prinsip kesegalaan yang sering disebut dengan devine justice alias Keadilan Ilahi. Yang baik akan menuai yang baik. Yang buruk akan menuai yang buruk. Namun bila kita mempunyai kesepakatan untuk mengubahnya, kita benar-benar memiliki suatu kans besar untuk mengubahnya.

Keenam, kemelekatan pada kultur-kultur dan cara berpikir masyarakat yang jelas-jelas salah. Budaya kolusi dan korupsi dalam berbagai proyek.
Budaya ABS (asal bapak senaang). Lemahnya institusi dan kekuatan hukum, maupun kesadaran masyarakat akan hukum. Budaya cuek terhadap permasalahan politik dan sosial, yang bahkan telah menghinggapi para pelajar sejak era NKK (Normalisasi Kehidupan Kampus). Budaya mengacuhkan agama, syariat agama, dan aturan-aturan Tuhan. Bagaimana mungkin di negeri yang kebanyakan adalah muslim, yang percaya hukum Tuhan, pabrik bir bisa beroperasi dengan lancar, budaya wine (anggur) menyerbu kalangan elit, acara-acara TV yang tidak layak mengisi sebagian besar kehidupan masyarakat, prostitusi diizinkan beroperasi dan berbagai sumber-sumber kemaksiatan lain? Mengapa banyak orang yang enggan untuk mengakui, seperti yang diserukan oleh Mas Amien Rais, bahwa kita harus melakukan tobat nasional. Bertobat atas seluruh cara berpikir dan kultur-kultur yang benar-benar salah dan kesalahannya tak perlu dibuktikan lagi (self-evident).

Ketujuh, untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan (trust) dalam masyarakat,  yang menurut Francis Fukuyama merupakan faktor kunci untuk mencapai masa itu, maka bangsa ini harus segera melepaskan diri dari semua keterlekatan dan kembali kepada prinsip-prinsip alami yang swa-bukti, yakni justice (keadilan), honesty (kesederhanaan), fair-play. Covey, dalam bukunya Managing by Principles, hanyalah pemimpin yang kembali pada prinsip-prinsip yang kembali pada prinsip-prinsip alami swa-bukti ini. Prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur kehidupan seluruh makro dan mikrokosmos ini, dan yang menentangnya akan sirna. Dalam istilah Darwiniannya, the survival of the fittest (survivalitas yang paling cocok dengan alam). Dan bila bangsa Indonesia tidak segera melepaskan diri dari seluruh kemelekatan dan kemudian bersegera untuk kembali pada prinsip-prinsip niscaya yang alamiah ini, berarti bangsa Indonesia akan segera sirna?

Penulis adalah dosen teknik eletro ITB kelahiran 1968 di Semarang dengan catatan prestasi sebagai berikut: mahasiswa terbaik ITB tahun 1989, wisudawan terbaik-cumlaude tahun 1989, dan meraih gelar Master of Engineering di Waseda University, Tokyo dengan straight-A mark pada tahun 1994 dan Doktor dengan predikat cumlaude di ITB pada tahun 1998. Saat ini, selain sebagai dosen juga aktif berbicara di forum-forum internasional dan nasional di bidang Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, serta aktif menulis di berbagai media-massa cetak dan berbicara di media TV dengan topik: trend teknologi, futuristik dan prospek masa depan. [di Sadur dari Menjemput Masa Depan, 1999]


ESSENTIAL IDIOM FOR TOEFL TEST [8]. Idiom  atau  ungkapan adalah gabungan kata yang membentuk arti baru yang artinya tidak mudah dipahami hanya dengan memahami kata yang membentuknya. Postingan Idiom I 'Three in One" dan audionya dapat direview  "here" dan Pelajaran Idiom ke-2 "here". Idiom ke-3 dapat disimak "here". Idiom sesi ke-4 dapat direview "here' . Postingan Essential IDIOM ke-5, Idiom ke-6 . Idiom ke-7. Berikut adalah Essential Idiom ke-8,

1. to do without: survive or exist without something (also: to go without)
With prices so high now, I'll have to do without a new suit this year.
o As a traveling salesperson, Monica can't do without a car.
o It's a shame that so many poor people in the world have to go without basic necessities of life such as nutritious food and suitable shelter.
2. according to: in the order of; on the authority of
o The students on the football team were ranked according to height, from shortest to tallest.
o According to my dictionary, you are using that word in your essay incorrectly.
3. to be bound to: to be certain to, to be sure to
This idiom is used when the occurrence of an event seems inevitable or unavoidable.
o We are bound to be late if you don't hurry up.
o With the economy improving now, their business is bound to make more money this year.
4. for sure: without doubt (also: for certain)
o In the dark, I couldn't tell for sure whether it was Polly or Sarah who drove by.
o I now for certain that Gene will move back to Washington next month.
5. to take for: to perceive or understand as (S)
This idiom is usually used when someone is mistakenly perceived. A noun or pronoun must separate the idiom.
o Because of his strong, muscular body, I took him for a professional athlete. As it turns out, he doesn't play any professional sports.
o What do you take me for --- a fool? I don't believe what you're saying at all.
6. to try out: to test, to use during a trial period (S)
o You can try out the new car before you decide to buy it.
o I can let you try the computer out for a few days before you make a decision.
7. to tear down: to destroy by making flat, to demolish (S)
o The construction company had to tear down the old hotel in order to build a new office building.
o The owners had to tear the house down after it burned down in a fire.
8. to tear up: to rip into small pieces (S)
o Diedre tore up the letter angrily and threw all the pieces into the trash can.
o He told the lawyer to tear the old contract up and then to prepare a new one.
9. to go over: to be appreciated or accepted
This idiom is usually followed by the adverb well. (I Lesson 6 this idiom has
the meaning to review, as in the second sentence of the second example below.)
o The teacher's organized lessons always go over well with her students.
o The comedian's jokes weren't going over well; the audience wasn't laughing much at all. I think that the comedian should go over his material more carefully before each act.
10. to run out of: to exhaust the supply of, not to have more of
o We ran out of gas right in the middle of the main street in town.
o It's dangerous to run out of water if you are in an isolated area.
11. at heart: basically, fundamentally
This idiom is used to describe the true character of a person.
o James sometimes seems quite unfriendly, but at heart he's a good person.
o The Fares often don't see eye to eye, but at heart they both love each other very much.
12. about to: ready to, just going to
o We were about to leave the house when the phone rang.
o I'm sorry that I broke in. What were you about to say?

1. to bite off: to accept as a responsibility or task
This idiom is often used when one accepts more responsibility than one can
handle alone. It is usually used in the form to bite off more than one can chew.
o When I accepted the position of chairman, I didn't realize how much I was biting off.
o When James registered for 18 units in his last semester at college, he
2. bit off more than he could chew.
3. to tell apart: to distinguish between (also: to pick apart, to tell from) (S)
o The two brothers look so much alike that few people can tell them apart.
o That copy machine is so good that I can't pick the photocopy and the original apart.
o Most new cars are very similar in appearance. It's almost impossible to tell one from another.
4. all in all: considering everything
o There were a few problems, but all in all it was a well-organized seminar.
o Leonard got a low grade in one subject, but all in all he's a good student.
5. to pass out: to distribute (also: to hand out) (S); to lose consciousness
The verbal idiom to hand out can be made into the noun handout to refer to items that are distributed in a class or meeting.
o Please help me pass out these test papers; there must be a hundred of them.
o Alright, students, here are the class handouts for this week.
o The weather was so hot in the soccer stadium that some of the fans in the stands passed out.
6. to go around: to be sufficient or adequate for everyone present; to circulate, to move from place to place
o We thought that we had bought enough food and drink for the party, but actually there wasn't enough to go around.
o There's a bad strain of influenza going a
7. to be in (the/one's) way: to block or obstruct; not to be helpful, to cause inconvenience (for both, also: to get in the/one's way)
o Jocelyn couldn't drive through the busy intersection because a big truck was in the way.
o Our small child tried to help us paint the house, but actually he just got in our way.
8. to put on: to gain (pounds or weight) (S); to present, to perform (S)
o Bob has put on a lot of weight recently. He must have put at least fifteen pounds on.
o The Youth Actor's Guild put on a wonderful version of Romeo and Juliet at the globe Theater.
9. to put up: to tolerate, to accept unwillingly
o The employee was fired because his boss could not put up with his mistakes any longer.
o While I'm studying, I can't put up with any noise or other distractions.
10. in vain: useless, without the desired result
o All the doctors' efforts to save the injured woman were in vain. She was declared dead three hours after being admitted to the hospital.
o We tried in vain to reach you last night. Is your phone out of order?
11. day in and day out: continuously, constantly (also: day after day; for longer periods of time, year in and year out and year after year)
o During the month of April, it rained day in and day out.
o Day after day I waited for a letter from him, but one never came.
o Year in and year out, the weather in San Diego is the best in the nation.
12. to catch up: to work with the purpose of fulfilling a requirement or being equal to others
The idiom is often followed by the preposition with and a noun phrase. It is
similar in meaning to keep up with from Lesson 17.
o The student was absent from class so long that it took her a long time to catch up.
o If you are not equal to others, first you have to catch up with them before you can keep up with them.