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ESSENTIAL IDIOM FOR TOEFL TEST [6]. Idiom merupakan gabungan kata yang membentuk arti baru yang artinya tidak mudah dipahami hanya dengan memahami kata yang membentuknya. Postingan Idiom I 'Three in One" dan audionya dapat direview  "here" dan Pelajaran Idiom ke-2 "here". Idiom ke-3 dapat disimak "here". Idiom sesi ke-4 dan 5 dapat dilihat dalam postingan sebelumnya.
Makna idiomatikal adalah makna sebuah satuan bahasa (entah kata, frase atau kalimat) yang “menyimpang” dari makna leksikal atau makna gramatikal unsur-unsur pembentuknya. Untuk mengetahui makna idiom sebuah kata (frase atau kalimat) tidak ada jalan selain mencarinya dalam kamus. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh idiom yang biasa di gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ataupun dalam tes Toefl.

1. to eat in/to eat out: to eat at home/to eat in a restaurant
o I feel too tired to go out for dinner. Let's eat in again tonight.
o When you eat out, what restaurant do you generally go to?
2. cut and dried: predictable, known beforehand; boring
o The results of the national election were rather cut and dried; the Republicans won easily.
o A job on a factory assembly line is certainly cut and dried.
3. to look after: to watch, to supervise, to protect (also: to take care of, to keep an eye on)
o Grandma will look after the baby while we go to the lecture.
o Who is going to take care of your house plants while you are away?
o I'd appreciate it if you'd keep an eye on my car while I'm in the store.
4. to feel like: to have the desire to, to want to consider
This idiom is usually followed by a gerund (the –ing form of a verb used as a noun).
o I don't feel like studying tonight. Let's go to a basketball game.
o I feel like taking a long walk. Would you like to go with me?
5. once and for all: finally, absolutely
o My daughter told her boyfriend once and for all that she wouldn't date him anymore.
o Once and for all, john has quit smoking cigarettes.
6. to hear from: to receive news or information from
To hear from is used for receiving a letter, telephone call, etc., from a person or organization.
o I don't hear from my brother very often since he moved to Chicago.
o Have you heard from the company about that new job?
7. to hear of: to know about, to be familiar with; to consider
The second definition is always used in the negative.
o When I asked for directions to Mill Street, the police officer said that she had never heard of it.
o Byron strongly disagreed with my request by saying, "I won't hear of it!"
8. to make fun of: to laugh at, to joke about
o They are making fun of Carla's new hair style. Don't you think that it'sreally strange?
o Don't make fun of Jose's English. He's doing the best he can.
9. to come true: to become reality, to prove to be correct
o The weatherman's forecast for today's weather certainly came true.
o Everything that the economists predicted about the increased cost of living has come true.
10. as a matter of fact: really, actually (also: in fact)
o Hans thinks he knows English well but, as a matter of fact, he speaks very poorly.
o I didn't say that. In fact, I said quite the opposite.
11. to have one's way: to arrange matters the way one wants (especially when someone else doesn't want to same way) (also: to get one's way)
o My brother always wants to have his way, but this time our parents said that we could do what I wanted.
o If Sheila doesn't get her way, she becomes very angry.
12. to look forward to: to expect or anticipate with pleasure
This idiom can be followed by a regular noun or a gerund.
o We're greatly looking forward to our vacation in Mexico.
o Margaret never looks forward to going to work.

1. inside out: with the inside facing the outside
o Someone should tell little Bobby that his shirt is inside out.
o The high winds ruined the umbrella by blowing it inside out.
2. upside down: with the upper side turned toward the lower side
o The accident caused on car to turn upside down, its wheels spinning in the air.
o One of the students was only pretending to read her textbook; the teacher could see that the book was actually upside down.
3. to fill in: to write answers in (S); to inform, to tell (S)
For the second definition, the idiom can be followed by the preposition on and the information that someone is told.
o You should be careful to fill in the blanks on the registration form correctly.
o Barry was absent from the meeting, so I'd better fill him in.
o Has anyone filled the boss in on the latest public relation disaster?
4. to fill out: to complete a form (S)
This idiom is very similar to the first definition above. To fill in refers to completing various parts of a form, while to fill out refers to completing a form as one whole item.
o Every prospective employee must fill out an application by giving name, address, previous jobs, etc.
o The teenager had some trouble filling the forms out by himself, so his mother helped him.
5. to take advantage of: to use well, to profit from; to use another person's weaknesses to gain what one wants
o I took advantage of my neighbor's superior skill at tennis to improve my own ability at the game.
o Teddy is such a small, weak child that his friends take advantage of him all the time. They take advantage of him by demanding money and making him do things for them.
6. no matter: regardless of
This idiom is a shortened form of it doesn't matter. It is followed by a question word such as how, where, when, who, etc.
o No matter how much money he spends on his clothes, he never looks well dressed.
o No matter where that escaped prisoner tries to hide, the police will find him sooner or later.
7. to take up: to begin to do or study, to undertake (S); to occupy space, time, or energy (S)
o After today's exam, the class will be ready to take up the last chapter in the book.
o The piano takes up too much space in our living room. However, it would take too much time up to move it right now; so we'd better wait until later.
8. to take up with: to consult someone about an important matter (S)
The important matter follows the verb take, while the person consulted
follows with.
o Can I take the problem up with you right now? It's quite urgent.
o I can't help you with this matter. You'll have to take it up with the manager.
9. to take after: to resemble a parent or close relative (for physical appearance only, also: to look like)
o Which of your parents do you take after the most?
o Sam looks like his father, but he takes after his mother in personality.
10. in the long run: eventually, after a long period of time
This idiom is similar in meaning to sooner or later (Lesson 1). The difference is that in the long run refers to a more extended period of time.
o In the long run, the synthetic weave in this carpet will wear better than the woolen one. You won't have to replace it so soon.
o If you work hard at your marriage, you'll find out that, in the long run, your spouse can be your best friend in life.
11. in touch: having contact
o James will be in touch with us soon to relay the details of the plan.
o I certainly enjoyed seeing you again after all these years. Let's be sure to keep in touch.
12. out of touch: not having contact; not having knowledge of
o Marge and I had been out of touch for years, but then suddenly she called me up the other day.
o Larry has been so busy that he seems out of touch with world events.

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