Read, Write, and Do Something

No Teaching without learning

Menulislah agar abadi


Listen, free economic make better


Digital Storytelling untuk Marketing

Digital storytelling merupakan salah satu bentuk komunikasi termediasi yang menggunakan seperangkat teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dengan tujuan untuk melakukan pertukaran informasi, yang dikemas ke dalam beberapa topik dengan gaya penyajian yang menarik (Thurlow, Lengel, dan Tomic 2004; Maddin 2011).

“Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Throughout history, storytelling has been used to share knowledge, wisdom, and values. Stories have taken many different forms. Stories have been adapted to each successive medium that has emerged, from the circle of the campfire to the silver screen, and now the computer screen.” – The Digital Storytelling Association

1. Sejarah Storytelling. 

2. Proses Digital Storytelling


The 8 steps Morra describes in her article are: 
  1. Start with an Idea
  2. Research/Explore/Learn
  3. Write/Script
  4. Storyboard/Plan
  5. Gather and Create Images, Audio and Video
  6. Put It All Together
  7. Share
  8. Reflection and Feedback
Visual cara membuat Sript

Berikut salah konten Digital Storytelling

Contoh Stotyboard

A storyboard is a written or graphical representation of the all of the elements that will be included in a digital story. The storyboard is usually created before actual work on creating the digital story begins and a written description and graphical depiction of the elements of the story, such as images, text, narration, music, transitions, etc. are added to the storyboard. The elements of the story are arranged in the storyboard in the chronological order in which they will appear in the story and this allows the developer to organize and re-arrange the content for maximum effect.

Storyboards may be created in a variety of ways, both digitally and manually on paper or artists' board. If storyboards are developed on a computer, a variety of software programs may be used, such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Contoh Digital Storytelling Perkenalan Program Studi

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