

TOEFL : KATA KERJA YANG TIDAK BISA DI-CONTINOUS-KAN. Tips TOEFL kali ini adalah beberapa kata umum yang kadang membingungkan para pemirsa :), dalam beberapa kasus kerap menjadi jebakan dalam berbagai soal. Oleh karena itu, sesi Belajar Bahasa Inggris akan menguraikan secara singkat  kata kerja tersebut seperti berikut :

Non-Progressive Verbs Kata kerja yang tidak bisa di-continuous-kan.
Mental States
Believe : I believe you. (percaya)
Doubt : I don’t doubt he will make it in time. (ragu)
Feel : I feel happy. (merasa)
Forget : I forgot your name. (lupa)
Imagine : I imagine you in Paris. (membayangkan)
Know : I know the problem. (mengetahui)
Mean : What do you mean? (bermaksud)
Need : I need your help. (butuh)
Prefer : I prefer apples to peaches. (lebih suka)
Realize : He didn’t realize he was in trouble. (menyadari)
Recognize : The chair recognizes Mr. Smith. (mengakui)
Remember : Do you remember me? (mengingat)
Suppose : Do you suppose I can go? (mengira)
Think : I think she is a beautiful girl. (mengira)
Understand : I can’t understand the lesson. (mengerti)
Want : I want much money. (ingin)

Emotional States
Appreciate : I appreciate your work. (menghargai)
Care : We don’t care about him. (peduli)
Dislike : I dislike the boy. (benci)
Envy : I envy you. (iri/cemburu)
Fear : Women fear mice. (takut)
Hate : Cats hate dogs. (benci)
Like : Luthfi likes pies. (suka)
Love : Hamzah Loves Sisca. (cinta)
Mind : I don’t mind. (keberatan)

Belong : Does this pen belong to you? (dimiliki)
Have : Via has beautiful flowers. (mempunyai)
Own : Ali owns a car. (memiliki)
Possess : Do you possess a pencil? (memiliki)

Sense Perceptions
Feel : His skin feels soft. (terasa)
Hear : I can hardly hear her voice. (mendengar)
See : I see a butterfly. (melihat)
Smell : The cookies smell good. (baunya)
Taste : This food tastes good. (rasanya)

Other Existing States
Appear : She appears very angry. (tampak)
Be : I am handsome. (  --  )
Consist of : The fabric consists of Nylon and Dacron.  (terdiri dari)
Contain : The box contains money. (berisi)
Cost : That house costs too much. (harganya)
Exist : These fruits exist in this area. (ada)
Include : This price includes tax. (termasuk)
Look : You look a mess. (kelihatan)
Owe : I owe him $ 5. (berhutang)
Seem : She seems so tired. (tampak)
Weigh : Apples weigh 150 pounds. (beratnya)

Progressive-Non-Progressive Verbs Kata kerja yang bisa masuk dalam konteks Progressive (continuous) ataupun Non-Progressive (tidak bisa continuous) dengan makna yang berbeda. Kata-kata ini bisa disebut dengan Kata kerja yang berkarakter banci.

Non-Progressive (Existing States)
Appear : He appears to be sleepy. (tampaknya)
Be : I am hungry. (  --  )
Feel : The cat’s fur feels soft. (terasa)
Have : He has a car. (mempunyai)
Look : She looks cold. (terlihat)
See : I see a butterfly. (melihat)
Smell : This flower smells good. (berbau)
Taste : This food tastes good. (terasa)
Think : I think Udin is a kind man. (mengira)
Weigh : A piano weighs a lot. (beratnya)

Progressive (Activities in Progress)
Appear : The actor is appearing on the stage. ( tampil)
Be : Tom is being foolish. (  --  )
Feel : Sue is feeling the cat’s fur. (meraba)
Have : I am having trouble. (mengalami)
Look : I am looking out the window. (melihat)
See : The doctor is seeing a patient. (memeriksa)
Have : She is having a good time. (menikmati)
Smell : Don is smelling the roses. (membaui)
Taste : The Chef is tasting the sauce. (mencicipi)
Think : I am thinking about this grammar. (memikirkan)
Weigh : The grocer is weighing the bananas. (menimbang)